I began blogging about five years ago. My original blog started as a means to find new clients for my real estate business. It was only mildly successful. I attracted a lot of followers and received plenty of comments. I even made a few business connections, but in the end, it generated little new business. One side benefit that resulted was that I also learned to become a better writer.
When I grew tired of writing about how many houses sold last week that blog transitioned into one that featured more storytelling. Storytelling brought me even more readers and appeased my desire for the notoriety I sought.
As my writing skills improved, I authored short stories that transitioned toward fiction and memoir. Since real estate doesn’t mesh well with storytelling my blog wasn’t meshing well with my target audience.
I always wanted to be a published author, so after a while, I authored a few short novellas. My cybercrime mysteries sold a few hundred copies, which gave me hope. The book sales flatlined as the initial lure wore off.
Then in 2021, I joined Medium. Medium it seemed would connect me with an audience more tuned into my writing style. At first, it looked like a match made in heaven, but it was really more like hell. I worked hard to build a following, of several thousand followers. Which I still have today.
Despite having thousands of followers, my stories still only get a handful of reads.
It turns out that writing for an audience is not as easy as it looks. Oh, the writing part is not hard, it is getting readers that is the hard part.
I advertise both my blog and my books on social media. I share links to my blog feed with anyone who has an interest. I have given away numerous copies of my books either via free download or as a paperback. Still, I have not achieved the notoriety I am seeking.
I even called a press conference. I notified all the local news media that my latest novel Saint Joseph has been released and is now available in both eBook and paperback format.
I reserved the cabana next to the pool in my North Scottsdale luxury community. Surely people would enjoy a relaxing afternoon presentation in the Arizona sunshine.
No one from the media showed up. They claim they were busy covering a natural disaster or a new political conspiracy theory.
I did have one older gentleman show up because he thought there would be free food. There wasn’t.
After that failure, I went home and re-examined my marketing plan. I decided to try more social media, more paid advertising, and more free giveaways.
Next week I will call another press conference. Will cookies suffice?